When you need an answering service for your small business, you have several options. Some companies use shared agents for multiple clients, which can lower costs. Some also shift the number of agents based on peak hours. It is important to understand how each company differs and what is included in the service. Regardless, an answering service is vital to the success of your small business.
Anserve is a leading phone answering service provider. It offers small business owners state-of-the-art local answering services. Additionally, it offers medical, legal, and order-taking services, as well as bilingual and other teleservices. Anserve can help you make your business run smoothly, whether you are short on time or you are experiencing a growth spurt.
If your business is a service provider, you cannot afford to miss important messages. Missed communications with customers can cost you money, especially during the holidays. Timely communication with customers will directly impact theĀ Intercon Messaging amount of leads you capture and customer retention.
VoiceNation is a company that offers small businesses with live receptionist service at an affordable price. They provide services 24 hours a day, including call answering, customer support, and help desk solutions. The company recently hit 50,000 customers and has experienced a tremendous growth within the small business sector. Among their innovative offerings is the Instant Activation feature, which enables customers to sign up and start receiving messages immediately.
This company has a live answering service in California. It offers bilingual support, appointment scheduling, and customizable scripts for agents. Your callers will speak to a live agent who will take their information, record the call, and send a text message to the caller. The service also offers cross-selling of all products and services from your business’s eCommerce store.
Ooma’s small business answering service offers many features and options that make it ideal for small businesses. Its virtual receptionist can help you handle incoming calls and give your clients essential business information, including the hours of operation, and other important details. The service also offers advanced features such as multi-language support and customizable greetings. It also lets you route incoming calls and set extensions by name.
Its features are easy to navigate, making it convenient to handle incoming calls. The mobile app, for example, features a clean look that makes it easy to navigate from calls to text messages or contacts lists. All Ooma users have access to call-handling tools, including personalized greetings and key-press menus.
Sunshine Communication Services
Sunshine Communication Services is one of the leading providers of small business answering services. They offer a variety of plans, starting at 40 minutes and going up to 400 minutes. The service includes the same features as its competitors, such as email notification, call patching and transferring, client portal access, and around-the-clock agent availability. The company offers competitive rates, great customer service, and low upfront costs.
The company also offers a range of features, from bilingual receptionists to mobile apps. You can even choose a plan that includes an automated lead capture tool.